
Falling in love is a wonderful thing and it happens when you least expect it. You could be enjoying a bit of humor together or simply find yourselves in a romantic setting and know in that moment that you are in love. It's amazing how romance and love go hand in hand and can really fortify a relationship and sometimes create one. There was once a couple who said they fell in love when they were having caricatures of themselves made at a theme park. The moment of sharing that bit of humor together resulted in them falling in love and getting married. You just never know when you will find that person you have been looking for. It may be in a humorous or romantic situation or something completely different.

Once you fall in love and begin a serious relationship it is important to keep the romance and humor alive. Otherwise the relationship will have difficulty growing and staying strong and healthy. Every couple has their ups and downs and when the going gets rough it is important to see the humor in everything and go out of your way to have romantic occasions. When you do this you are showing each other that you are committed to the relationship and are willing to do whatever it takes to stay together.

For example, you find yourself in a relationship and before you know it the romance doesn't just exist anymore. Instead, you have to work at it to keep the flame alive. This is the point in many relationships where the flame just fizzles and the couple breaks up. But, all couples go through this stage regardless of how in love they are. It's just the way things go. So, when you find this happening in your relationship the most important thing you can do is make a pact. The pact should be that you find the humor in all situations where a disagreement could possibly occur. When you are looking for humor you will both end up laughing and when you are laughing you are releasing endorphins. This will make the transition into a romantic evening much easier and you will avoid being angry, saying things you don't mean, and will enhance your relationship. Just making a conscious effort to be a better partner, have fun, and enjoy life is what's important. And, it could be just the thing that saves the romance and love in your relationship.

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